Innersense Organic Beauty CCA Partnership

How We’re Advocating For Water, Health And Healing

Clean water. It’s something we so easily take for granted, especially here in California as we’re  embraced with a gorgeous coastline top to bottom! We’ve teamed up with the California Coastkeeper Alliance (CCKA), a coalition of 12 Waterkeeper Associations in California, to support efforts for swimmable, fishable, and drinkable clean water. 

Clean water is a non-negotiable, must-have for us to live a healthy life. Water is a lifeforce, the healing energy of Mother Earth keeps all life in existence. The personal care industry has a powerful role to play when it comes to clean water. You already know our ingredients are safe and pure, but we knew we had to go one step further.

Innersense Organic Beauty CA Coastkeepr Alliance Partnership


Most of Earth is water-covered, just over 70% percent. Our healing oceans make up 96% of all Earth’s water. It is true that drought and declining water quality puts our precious natural capital at risk. It’s heartbreaking to know 80% of California’s rivers and streams have been deemed too polluted to be safe for fishing and recreation, which also means fish and those other living creatures have more challenges to swim upstream. 

Founded in 1999, CCKA uses law, policy, science and advocacy to keep California’s water, oceans, and coastline healthy and accessible. From coastal clean ups, to advocating for more strict offshore oil drilling regulations, to pressing for action to address climate change and promote coastal resilience, California Coastkeeper Alliance is on the frontlines to preserve our watery world.

We’re particularly impressed with the hard work CCKA is doing to clean up our waterways of plastic and microplastics. It led the effort to enact California’s Trash Policy, which sets an enforceable goal to stop the flow of garbage into our rivers, streams and ocean by 2030. It developed a toolkit to help citizens and businesses take action, and is now helping the state install trash capture devices in storm drains across the state. Looking ahead, CCKA is working to help pass legislation that would equip washing machines sold in California with filters capable of capturing plastic microfibres from clothing. 


Recently, CCKA penned a letter to California Governor Gavin Newsom with the support of California businesses. It urges California to not suspend clean water protections during the current climate. Federal clean water and clean air regulations have fostered California’s economic growth for decades. Defending the protections that sustain our state’s economy – the fifth largest in the world – sends the signal that California stands firm in its commitments, providing certainty amidst the chaos.

Regulated entities are requesting that state agencies roll back protective measures related to water. Requests to suspend safeguards that protect water quality should not be tolerated at any time. These requests are especially inappropriate during a pandemic that threatens both the health of all Californians and the stability of California’s economy, and the spread of which can be limited by the routine use of clean water. As members of the CCKA Blue Business Council, our signature on this letter reflects our support in urging California’s Governor not to suspend clean water protections.

Water: Nature’s Healing Energy

We are grateful for the way water sustains us here on Earth. It nourishes our bodies, supports our food systems and propels our economy and way of life. More reasons why preserving this precious resource of Mother Earth is paramount. If you’re inspired like we are, learn more about how you can help celebrate and preserve clean water here.

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