Innersense Organic Beauty BCPP Partnership

How We’re Advocating Ingredient Transparency To Reduce Breast Cancer

Since the launch of Innersense Organic Beauty, we’ve had heartfelt alignment with the work Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (BCPP) is doing to address the risks of chemical exposures, as salon workers are subject to a greater risk for diseases like cancer based on their chosen profession.

As a clean hair care brand, Innersense Organic Beauty was founded on empowering, informing, and inspiring beauty and wellness by helping customers make healthier, cleaner choices.


Every day, consumers like you are exposed to questionable ingredients in your personal care products. These commonly used chemicals have proven links to adverse health effects, including cancers, skin conditions, endocrine disorders and more. Surprisingly, many of these ingredients aren’t disclosed on product labels, and there is little to no USA government oversight over what ingredients companies can put into products.

Innersense Organic Beauty Breast Cancer Preventative Partnership

BCPP is a leader in science-based policy and advocacy focused on breast cancer prevention and environmental health. Innersense Organic Beauty supports its Campaign for Safe Cosmetics efforts, which advocates passionately to preserve the health of consumers, workers and the environment through public education, corporate accountability, sustainability campaigns and legislative policy designed to eliminate dangerous chemicals linked to adverse health impacts from cosmetics and personal care products.

A major focus of BCPP efforts has been the development of a comprehensive Breast Cancer Primary Prevention Plan for California. Rooted in science, this policy agenda to reduce breast cancer risk factors in our home state was developed based on feedback from a diverse set of stakeholders, including academic leaders, government regulators, non-profit organisations, and community leaders.

Innersense Organic Beauty and friends in Sacramento

When BCPP approached Joanne Starkman, our founder, with an opportunity to speak directly with California legislative staffers, she went to Sacramento to have personal conversations with legislators and their staff. Being able to personally pledge support for the California Cosmetic Fragrance and Flavour Ingredient Right to Know Act of 2019 (SB574) provided an unexpected avenue for Joanne to share her personal story and fulfill a purpose.

Science Based Advocacy We Can Trust

“I hope through my story the world becomes a better place,” Joanne says. “We have the opportunity right here in California and it starts with SB574. Thank you BCPP for giving me a voice in a way I never expected to share my story.” Learn more about BCPP and its science-based advocacy here.



  • Lila J Ryder says:

    I am grateful that you had the fortitude to push forward for chemicals of all kinds being transparent on the label. We also need to do more about educating the public.


    • Innersense Tribe says:

      Hi Lila,

      Thank you for your support as well! We are steadfast in our mission to formulate clean, pure and beautifully. We couldn’t agree more that education is vital to making the change we want to see for beauty and personal care.

      Thank You!

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