Leadership Means Raising Our Voice For Safe Cosmetics
Calling all label readers! Our partnership with Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) allows us to take a leadership role in amplifying our voice around a shared passion. Promoting increased corporate accountability and transparency and enacting health-proactive laws help to reduce the risk of unhealthy chemical exposure, particularly for our most vulnerable communities. We know you stand with us and this pioneering organisation!
Many of you may already know research shows the harmful chemicals we are routinely exposed to in our everyday lives are playing an increasingly significant role in rates of breast cancer, infertility, early puberty and other health issues. Sadly, women, children and the economically disadvantaged are on the front lines of these risks.
Statistics like these are why we’ve always mindfully and sustainably sourced and processed only the purest organic ingredients. Our passion to educate beauty and wellness professionals and consumers on the hidden, unhealthy chemicals in conventional hair care products propels us every day.

An early pioneer of safe cosmetic legislation, WVE is a dynamic organisation that has been using its voice for over 25 years. Founded to bring different voices to the environmental health movement and advance a healthy, thriving world, WVE focuses on the industries that most heavily market and sell to women. It leads campaigns to reduce stylists’ exposure to toxic chemicals in the workplace, rid cleaning products of unsafe chemicals and provide safer feminine care product choices.
An informed consumer is a powerful consumer! WVE provides in depth in reports on chemicals of concern and the products that cause exposure. Armed with information, consumers like you can make safer, individual choices, but transparency is critical. We can’t make safe choices if we don’t know what we are buying, right?
WVE works passionately to advocate for stronger state and federal laws that require manufacturers to disclose all the ingredients in personal care and beauty products.
And it doesn’t stop there. WVE goes one step further with its female leadership by advocating for change in the industry and providing safety guidance. Their efforts shine a light on false claims and applaud the industry leaders who go the extra mile to ensure our health and safety.

Are You Inspired To Add Your Voice?
Are you inspired by WVE like we are? Learn more about the powerful ways WVE is mobilising women’s voices to preserve the earth here.